Monday, April 29, 2013


I have been making youtube videos under the username OnTheFluffyCouch so ill only be posting on my new blogger page Check me out on YouTube!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Men in black 3

So I went to see Men in black 3 today it was a really good movie funny like the other ones with a fun twist for its ending. J goes back in time to save K who was erased from the time line after an enemy goes back in time to kill him. K seems to be nicer and less "Blah" in the past but I still think he had that charm. All around ill give it a 8 I saw it in 3D  which made it worth seeing in theaters.
Also for a game based comment Diablo 3 is awesome.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Great Big Show of Everything (shirt)

So I just finished my shirt design for the dance studio! I hope you think its cute ill post the finished copy on the shirt later, which will look better >.> and wont have all the writing on it! The shirt is for A dance studio that is doing "The Great Big Show or Everything" this year and most the dances are circus based with clowns and what not. Also most the kids that buy shirts are younger so its faced more for them.

The Raven movie

The Raven
I have to say this is one of the best movies I have seen of late it is someones few of what might have happened in the last days of Edgar Allen Poe's life. The creepy story sent a chill up my back and made me wish to read more of Poe's work. If you didn't know this movie has a killer copying Poe's work with real killings there is a lot of blood, a wonderful part with a counter weight ax, and even a little love story. I give this movie a 8 and will be buying it once its on DVD. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Steam play/Saints row3

Boredom kicked in and I'm looking for new steam co-op buddies I don't have many games but I'm always willing to try a new one if its good! My steam name is Salaura (Derp) feel free to add me! Moving on I finished Saints Row the third and... WTF zombies? Ah... >.> But over all kick ass game love all 3 of them and wouldn't mind more even though they killed johnny *Middle Finger* We suck at keeping our friends alive as pointed out in the first 2 games lawl! The story line was different from the first 2 because your not rebuilding your gang from the ground up your just in a new area and trying to take it over now for a nice cup of revenge! You are how ever trying to show that other gangs there that your gang has a pair and your not a bunch of pussies. I even enjoyed blowing up the zombies with the air gun but they felt out of place in the game. Also enjoyed the side games and the mascots, nothing is funnier then a mascots with a rocket launcher! So ill go ahead and give the game a 8 over all! (Maybe 8 1/2 if I don't have a zombie dream....)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Cabin in the woods (Spoiler)

Okay! So I just got back from the movies and we saw "Cabin in the woods". Now for those of you who don't know its about a group of collage students that go to a cabin that one of the boys cousin had just got to spend the weekend there. For a little twist they are being watched by some men that are controlling whats going on around them. So it starts off kinda slow setting up a little background for the characters, then they go into this basement where they are playing with all these items. You find out later that each item in the basement represents one crazy monster. I wont go into to many details but they read a girls diary and bring back some zombie pain loving family that is now killing them all off. There is a lot of blood in this movie but you don't see to much of the real killing, at one point one of the girls takes her shirt off so if you like boobs (win). The end is kinda an "Oh Shit!" feeling but you'll have to see that yourself. I'd give the movie a 6 over all I liked it even though I felt it was missing something.

Monday, April 16, 2012

If you play with fire?

Well the house across the street burnt down (Im guessing a kid started it.), but its been abandoned since the flood in 2008. The flames were so big they reached half way across the street melting our siding. I ran to wake my mom who called the fire dept. she was kinda freaking that they where not there yet, I'm just happy I'm kind of a night owl so I was awake to get us up and out. Through the thick smoke and large ashes we took the animals to the cars one by one, we pulled down the side street a bit and watched as the fire men put the fire down. After what seemed like a yr (Really 3hrs) the fire was finally gone and we waited to go back into the house. My mom made herself social with the gockers as I called a friend to take my mind off all the smoke I was breathing. I guess its not to bad if you find the silver lining I've been trying to get my mom to get new siding for about 2yrs now! (My house is the bottom image) What color siding should we get?!