Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Cabin in the woods (Spoiler)

Okay! So I just got back from the movies and we saw "Cabin in the woods". Now for those of you who don't know its about a group of collage students that go to a cabin that one of the boys cousin had just got to spend the weekend there. For a little twist they are being watched by some men that are controlling whats going on around them. So it starts off kinda slow setting up a little background for the characters, then they go into this basement where they are playing with all these items. You find out later that each item in the basement represents one crazy monster. I wont go into to many details but they read a girls diary and bring back some zombie pain loving family that is now killing them all off. There is a lot of blood in this movie but you don't see to much of the real killing, at one point one of the girls takes her shirt off so if you like boobs (win). The end is kinda an "Oh Shit!" feeling but you'll have to see that yourself. I'd give the movie a 6 over all I liked it even though I felt it was missing something.

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