Monday, April 16, 2012

If you play with fire?

Well the house across the street burnt down (Im guessing a kid started it.), but its been abandoned since the flood in 2008. The flames were so big they reached half way across the street melting our siding. I ran to wake my mom who called the fire dept. she was kinda freaking that they where not there yet, I'm just happy I'm kind of a night owl so I was awake to get us up and out. Through the thick smoke and large ashes we took the animals to the cars one by one, we pulled down the side street a bit and watched as the fire men put the fire down. After what seemed like a yr (Really 3hrs) the fire was finally gone and we waited to go back into the house. My mom made herself social with the gockers as I called a friend to take my mind off all the smoke I was breathing. I guess its not to bad if you find the silver lining I've been trying to get my mom to get new siding for about 2yrs now! (My house is the bottom image) What color siding should we get?!

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