Monday, April 16, 2012

Why cant we be friends!

Alright just thought id do a quick post about the arenas I just did. So i'm on my resto shammy doing arenas with a ele shammy that has never done arenas before so it was kinda fun but a little hard not to yell >.>
We did 7 before she went to sleep 1-6 but one the time ran out because I refused to die the team we were fighting was arms warrior and holy priest (:P Holy!) The ele I was with died because I can be A.D.D and she didn't think to tell me she was dieing <.< (My bad!) But I thought about leaving for 2second but I'm not really one to give up and once the priest /rofled at me I was like "Oh its on!". After 40mins the warrior /sit as the priest tried to mana burn me (Boo mana burn) but after a little Avanne love with my /hugs he stopped and we all waited for the arena to end together! A wonderful stories

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